Winter mini challenge
The school library service has just been in touch to highlight the following Winter reading challenge for anyone who would be interested. It sounds great :-)
'Hi all,
I am just highlighting the fact for everyone that there is a winter mini challenge for children. This is just a smaller…
Book Bus
The book bus came to visit us. We got to listen and join in with a story and then we all got to pick 1 book each to bring back to our classroom to enjoy.
The Christmas Story
In RE this half term we are learning about 'The Christmas Story'. We have been listening to the story and using pictures to stick and cut them in the correct order.
In Art, we have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh. We used his painting of 'Starry Night' to identify the patterns, shapes and colours we can see. We then used watercolours to recreate our own version.
The dark!
In Science we have been learning about seasonal changes and as part of this have been learning about light and dark.
We worked in the blackout tent to investigate what we could see with different amounts of light and dispelled some misconceptions about light sources. It was all great fun and had…
We love reading!
We love reading in Cross Fell! It is lovely to see our reading corner and school library being so well used by the children, our passion for reading is evident.
2 D shape
This week Year 2 have started to learn about 2D shapes. We have been looking at the properties of shapes including the number of sides and vertices. Today the Year 2 children had great fun making 2D shapes out of paper straws discussing their properties as we worked.
Cross Fell readers
It is so lovely to see our children choosing to read in the reading corner. Keep sharing that love of reading everyone!
3 D shape
Some fantastic work on 3D shape this week. Can you spot some 3D shapes around the house? Let us know what you spot.
Wear your wellies
We are supporting National wear your wellies day!
We swapped our school shoes for wellies and work boots today as part of ‘National Welly Day'
The aim for this National Event was to show solidarity and support to our farming community
Children in Need
We had a great day for Children in Need. We discussed what Children in Need is, created crafts, followed Joe Wicks live, took part in RunPudsey, created our own Pudsey biscuits and much more!
Remembrance Day
Park Fell enjoyed Remembrance Day, having a special assembly to share ideas and have a moment of silence. We also created poppies using different materials.