Reading champions
Each week in assembly we award certificates to children who are working really hard on thier reading both in school and especially at home.
Here are Cross Fell's reading champions this week. Well done to our reading champions this week we are very proud of you!
Fostering a love of reading
We are delighted to share our recent Ofsted Inspection Report with you which judged Alston Primary School as “Good” in all categories.
The inspection team praised the inclusive nature of the school as pupils had been clear that everyone is equal, and everyone is welcome. The published report…
Christmas book suggestions
If you are looking for some super book recommendations for Christmas we would like to sign post you to this website that can offer lots of suggestions that you may find useful. There are a range of themes for a variety of ages so there is something for everyone! Lets keep celebrating our love for…
Winter mini challenge
The school library service has just been in touch to highlight the following Winter reading challenge for anyone who would be interested. It sounds great :-)
'Hi all,
I am just highlighting the fact for everyone that there is a winter mini challenge for children. This is just a smaller…
We love reading!
We love reading in Cross Fell! It is lovely to see our reading corner and school library being so well used by the children, our passion for reading is evident.
Mrs Paisley's box of books
Mrs Paisley's box of books.
Last week I asked each child in Cross Fell to give me 1 word and I would see if I could find a book with that place, animal or object in it.
I am happy to say I managed and I am looking forward to sharing these books with the children at story time.
Some super work in RWI today in Cross Fell, we have been learning the sound oi in purple group today. Keep looking out for it in your sounds books and check Dojo for some personalised links to the sounds we have been learning this week.
Each day in Cross Fell we enjoy sharing a story at snack time. Each day the children have the opportunity to vote for the story that they would like to hear - democracy and pupil voice in action.
Can you help?
The children in Cross Fell are really enjoying their weekly reading buddies session with the children from Flinty Fell and it has really inspired them to read. Feedback from the children was that they would love even more things to read including comics and magazines so we are putting out a plea…
Raise a reader!
We would like to signpost you to this helpful resource which comes from Oxford Owl. We use Read Write Inc to teach phonics at Alston Primary School and this page has a range of helpful tips and information about phonics and reading. We hope you find it useful.
‘We’ll do whatever it takes…
We love reading!
We love reading at Alston Primary School and are pleased to say that we awarded over 200 Dojos for reading in Cross Fell alone for our reading efforts last half term- can we beat it next half term? We think so!
We can't wait to continue with our reading journey this half term and have amongst…
Storyteller videos- chapter books
Want to improve your voice choice and enjoy listening to a range of new stories? This could be the perfect thing for you!
There are a range of stories to enjoy and are perfect for 10 minutes of relaxing…