Safer internet day 2025
Cross Fell were really excited to take part in some activities for safer internet day learning how to stay safe online and who to ask if they were unsure of something they encountered online.
Real life superheroes!
A huge thankyou to PC Joel who came into talk to us about his role and show off his police car. It was a pleasure to have such an enthusiastic visitor who was so wonderful with the children taking time to listen to their questions and talk about his role which linked into our superheroes topic…
Waterproof materials experiment
Mrs Brown set us a problem to solve in Science today- Spiderman had ripped his suit and we had to select the best materials to fix it. The material had to be flexible and waterproof so we tested a range of materials to see which would be more suitable thinking about the properties of each…
PSHE- Perseverance
In our PSHE sessions we have been thinking all about setting goals. Today we talked about persevering to reach our goals listening to the story of a penguin who just couldn't give up!
Maths manipulatives- arrays
In maths the children are using concrete resources to help with their multiplication skills. Today we learned about arrays and really enjoyed using playdough, pom poms, stickers and counters to show our learning.
Superhero art
In our art session the children made their own versions of superheroes, we were very impressed by the level of detail and the imaginative and bold use of colour to convey each superhero's unique talents.
Split pin puppets DT project :-)
This afternoon in DT the children have finished their split pin puppets and we now have them on display in the classroom. We were very impressed with the designing, making and evaluating that the children all took part in.
Boot camp
Mini Boot Camp will start on Monday, please sign your child up via their iPayimpact account.
Thank you
Traction man
We are really enjoying sharing the Traction Man book by Mini Grey. We have enjoyed bringing classroom items to life and thinking about how each of the characters might act. Great discussion work Cross Fell.
Some fantastic work on money with the Year 2 children. We looked at the different coins and notes then thought about how we could combine them to make different amounts using resources to support our learning. Please can you help us with our learning by sharing coins at home and talking about what…
Phonics screening support and advice
Cross Fell have been working really hard this term to learn all of their sounds during our RWI sessions. We have assessed how the children are getting on and individual checks will be in book bags this week to celebrate how we are getting on and to identify any sounds that we can continue to work…