Image of Sponsored walk
14 July 2024

Sponsored walk

Just a reminder that we have the sponsored walk on Tuesday, more details are on both our class Dojo page and school story.

For your generous donations

We’re overwhelmed with the support we’ve received so far for the Sponsored Walk. This Tuesday children from 10 year groups…

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Image of Duck race
14 July 2024

Duck race

We are very lucky to have such a supportive PTFA, they have organised a duck race to be held on the last day of term so how about getting together after school to celebrate yet another fantastic year in school. Ducks are available to purchase at the school office for £1.00

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Image of Learning bus fun
5 July 2024

Learning bus fun

Cross Fell really enjoyed spending time on our learning bus today , sharing stories and having fun!

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Image of Cross Fell performance
2 July 2024

Cross Fell performance

We really enjoyed showcasing some of our work from our music sessions this half term. We really enjoyed the experience of getting up on the big stage and performing for all of our friends and families.

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Image of Art
28 June 2024


Some fabulous seaside art today, talking about the artist and completing the picture using shades of blue, drawing together our learning from earlier in the year about colours and colour mixing and how to use different brush strokes.

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Image of Art workshop
27 June 2024

Art workshop

We have been very lucky to have Daniel and Sarah from Adventures in Art & Design working with us today. We have all produced something focused on traditional image making and illustration techniques and look forward to seeing some of our work developed into North Pennines themed postcards and…

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Image of Staying safe- top tips from PC Larmour
18 June 2024

Staying safe- top tips from PC Larmour

Today we have had Police Community Support Officer Joel Larmour from Cumbria's Neighbourhood  Policing Team  to talk to us about water safety.

We are always talking to our children in school about how to stay safe and it was lovely to hear Tony passing on the message about how to keep ourselves…

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Image of Cross Fell book swap
18 June 2024

Cross Fell book swap

Reading continues to be a big focus in Cross Fell and we are really enjoying taking part in a book swap where we can bring in any books we have enjoyed at home and swap them for a new one. Sharing that love of reading with our friends has been wonderful and the scheme has proved to be very…

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Image of Cross Fell's bikeability training
11 June 2024

Cross Fell's bikeability training

We have had a great time at bikeability today. We have practiced moving in and out of cones, turning, ducking under poles and also going over a ramp! Everyone has done an amazing job showing such good listening and teamwork. Well done Cross Fell you can all put your new found skills into practice…

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Image of How to find gold!
10 June 2024

How to find gold!

We  have continued our work on 'How to find Gold' today and have been working in groups today to look deeper into the pages from our story- as you can see from our faces we love to work together and the discussion work really helps to enhance everyone's learning.

We have been talking about what…

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Image of Garden Party- save the date!
30 May 2024

Garden Party- save the date!

Save the date! 09/07/2024

The school council have chosen Grisedale Croft as their local charity and would like to invite you to a garden party to raise funds for them.
More details nearer to the date

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Image of Cross Fell's trip to the wetlands
23 May 2024

Cross Fell's trip to the wetlands

What a great morning we had at the wetlands. After all of the rain the wetlands lived up to their name and with the river level continuing to rise we couldn’t do pond dipping this time but we had great fun on our scavenger hunts and woodland exploring. Well done everyone and a huge thankyou to the…

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