Cross Fell have been working really hard this term to learn all of their sounds during our RWI sessions. We have assessed how the children are getting on and individual checks will be in book bags this week to celebrate how we are getting on and to identify any sounds that we can continue to work on through the clips we post on our class Dojo page and the charts in the front of our RWI books.
All of this extra support and practice is preparing us for our Phonics Screening Check which will take part for our Year 1 children and some of our Year 2 children in June.
Mrs Brown will be sending information about this home in the Spring term and be talking to parents about the check and how we can best support the children with it but in advance here is a link to a little more information that you may find helpful to explain all about the check and how we can work as a team to support our youngest readers. We hope you find it useful.