Mrs Paisley's box of books
Mrs Paisley's box of books.
Last week I asked each child in Cross Fell to give me 1 word and I would see if I could find a book with that place, animal or object in it.
I am happy to say I managed and I am looking forward to sharing these books with the children at story time.
Children in Need 2024
Children in need 2024
Today the children have taken part in run Pudsey 2024. We also watched a video of what children in need is and who it helps. The children all received a certificate for taking part in the Joe Wicks challenge.
Orion and the Dark
Today in our literacy we made story boxes based on some of the scenes in our story Orion and the Dark.
It was lovely to see the children working together and discussing different ideas and problem solving using different materials. Well done.
Today in our computing session we were learning to make marks with the square and line tool. We used the fill function to colour our shapes and made some artwork in the style of Piet Mondrian.
Anti bullying week
It is anti bullying week in school this week and we have been sharing stories and discussing what bullying looks and feels like and what we should do if we are feeling worried. We have also carried on this work in our Jigsaw sessions so that we all know what to do if we are feeling worried in…
Some super work in RWI today in Cross Fell, we have been learning the sound oi in purple group today. Keep looking out for it in your sounds books and check Dojo for some personalised links to the sounds we have been learning this week.
Addition and subtraction
Some excellent use of concrete resources helping us with our work on addition and subtraction today.
Each day in Cross Fell we enjoy sharing a story at snack time. Each day the children have the opportunity to vote for the story that they would like to hear - democracy and pupil voice in action.
Houses and homes
Today in our Geography session we learned all about different types of housing in our local area and had a go at making our own versions using junk modelling materials. We can’t wait to go out into Alston for a walk to see everything we have learned about first hand. Great job everyone!
It was fantastic to catch some of our children independently choosing to read their RWI books during linked learning today, the confidence in reading is really shining through as is the determination to keep on getting better. Keep up the great work!
Be safe be seen
As part of our Science topic this half term we are looking at seasonal changes and dark nights have formed part of this discussion. Today we were extremely fortunate to welcome PC Joel and PC Ian into class to talk to us about the importance and being bright and being seen when out and about and…
Visit to Gilderdale
We have been on a visit to Gilderdale to join in with forest school. We had so much fun exploring the area, looking for insects, climbing ropes and fallen down trees and using the hammock. As well as this we used the paint and mud kitchen. We discussed fire safety and then toasted marshmallows and…