Image of Our DT project
30 April 2024

Our DT project

Cross Fell are really excited to be embarking on their latest DT project- designing and making a sunglasses case.

Linked to our seasides topic we were challenged to make a sunglasses case that we can use to keep our sunglasses safe when we are out and about in the Summer.

We started our project by looking at the products that were already available thinking about their good and bad points before designing our own version. We spent time looking at how we could join different fabric before learning how to sew a running stitch on some scraps of fabric. Once we had honed our skills we started to make our creations. We are now up to the sewing stage with embellishment and evaluation coming next. We can’t wait to share our finished creations with you!




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Image of Gardening success
30 April 2024

Gardening success

We were delighted to be awarded not only a level 2 but also a level 3 RHS gardening award. The award is testament to the hard work the children have put in form our initial request that came from the children themselves to do more gardening in school after they were so enthused with our plants topic to the resilience they showed when some of our plants did not thrive and problem solving to make our outside area look better and better each year. We can’t wait to carry on our gardening journey and now that we have a gardening club up and running we are sure that our growing efforts will go from strength to strength.

A huge thankyou to everyone who has donated plants and seeds for us to use – our school community is always such a great support and we are extremely grateful!


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Image of Gardening success
30 April 2024

Gardening success

We were delighted to be awarded not only a level 2 but also a level 3 RHS gardening award. The award is testament to the hard work the children have put in from our initial request that came from the children themselves to do more gardening in school after they were so enthused with our plants topic to the resilience they showed when some of our plants did not thrive and problem solving to make our outside area look better and better each year. We can’t wait to carry on our gardening journey and now that we have a gardening club up and running we are sure that our growing efforts will go from strength to strength.

A huge thankyou to everyone who has donated plants and seeds for us to use – our school community is always such a great support and we are extremely grateful!



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Image of Action Ants Trip
25 April 2024

Action Ants Trip

We went on a trip with Action Ants where we participated in an obstacle course, a low ropes adventure course, archery and cross bows, golf, and dodgeball. We had to work together in teams and find strategies to achieve activities



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Image of Go Team Cross Fell!
24 April 2024

Go Team Cross Fell!

We love it when we get to put on our sport’s top ready to compete against other schools.

Our Action Ants trips inspire us to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities.  We take part in our Action Ants festivals regularly throughout the year which gives us…

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Image of Gardening club
24 April 2024

Gardening club

Today in gardening club we have worked together to write some letters to garden centres in the local community to ask if they would consider donating some resources to our newly formed gardening club. We have our fingers crossed that they may beable to assist us and also have some fundraising…

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Image of Gardening club
23 April 2024

Gardening club

The children really enjoyed our growing topic last half term and so to keep the enthusiasm going and in response to requests from the children I am going to be running a Year 1/2 gardening club every other Wednesday during lunchtime.

I will ask the children tomorrow if anyone is interested in…

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Image of Gardening club
17 April 2024

Gardening club

Our gardening club is now up and running!

The children in Cross Fell really enjoyed their growing topic, so much so that they requested more opportunities to learn about plants and get out into our outdoor classroom to do more gardening- in response to this our gardening club was created!


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Image of Animal diets- carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?
11 April 2024

Animal diets- carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?

In our Science lessons we have been learning that there are many different ways in which living things can be classified, including their habitat, their diet, or how they raise their young.

We started our session today by classifying animals based on the type of animal, such as fish, birds,…

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Image of Free E - book library for our families
9 April 2024

Free E - book library for our families

We strive to share our love of reading in all different  formats and wanted to give a little reminder to all of our families about this fantastic resource for free e- books that the children can access to keep them excited and inspired with reading.
It might be the perfect thing to curl up and…

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Image of Free E - book library for our families
9 April 2024

Free E - book library for our families

We strive to share our love of reading in all different  formats and wanted to give a little reminder to all of our families about this fantastic resource for free e- books that the children can access to keep them excited and inspired with reading.
It might be the perfect thing to curl up and…

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