Animal diets- carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?
In our Science lessons we have been learning that there are many different ways in which living things can be classified, including their habitat, their diet, or how they raise their young.
We started our session today by classifying animals based on the type of animal, such as fish, birds,…
Growth over time
In Science Cross Fell have been thinking about whether plants need soil to grow- well here is the answer so far! The beans have started to grow, we continue to observe their growth over time to see how they change and compare with the ones we planted in soil. Which will give us the healthiest…
British Science Week 2024
As part of British Science week Cross Fell have been busy conducting some planting experiments linking in with this year's theme- time.
We have all taken home some pots and seeds so that we can involve our families in our Science learning and hopefully spread some cheer in the community once…
What do plants need to grow well?
We really enjoyed our Science today getting hands on starting to learn about what plants need to grow well. We carefully prepared our pots before planting our seeds and will monitor how they grow over the next few weeks- share our Science learning by checking back soon for an updated picture so…
Stem Hub Space Session
Science - Moon and Mars Live Interactive Space Lesson
Super seeds
In our Science today we looked in the school grounds to see which plants were growing and where.
We also examined a range of fruits and vegetables to see what we could see and were amazed to see the seeds contained inside- we have set ourselves a challenge to try to grow some ourselves!
Which house is the strongest?
Today in Science we have been making houses for The Three Little Pigs from sticks, straw and Lego to see which is the strongest material so that the Big Bad Wolf cannot blow them down!
Materials and their uses
We continued our work on materials in our Science sessions this week.
Unfortunately Cross Fell were not impressed by Mrs Brown's new inventions and were very quick to point out why they thought that a glass hammer, chocolate tea pot and cardboard shoes were not going to make her rich and famous…
Materials fun in Cross Fell
Cross Fell are really enjoying their new topic- materials. We have been adding to our working wall each lesson building our knowledge and understanding of the topic. It has been wonderful to see everyone getting to grips with our key vocabulary that we are adding each session and accessing the…
Middle Fell fantastic skeletons
Middle Fell have been busy making some fantastic skeleton puppets to explore the bones in the body.
Everyone was in the zone for this one! Well done Middle Fell ☺️
Flinty's Space Exploration!
This afternoon, Flinty Fell took part in The Spaceship Earth Primary Show in association with the Stem Hub.
It was great fun! Flinty got to join Mission Control on our exciting Earth observation to view our beautiful planet from space. They also got to virtually visit the orbiting satellites…