Image of Mr Dawson shares his love of reading!
2 February 2024

Mr Dawson shares his love of reading!

It was fantastic to welcome Mr Dawson into Cross Fell this morning to read us one of his favourite books. We were really enthralled as we listened to the story of Emily Brown and the Thing and really appreciated Mr Dawson coming to share our story time with us- again sharing and promoting that…

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Image of The Jolly Postman
22 January 2024

The Jolly Postman

We have really enjoyed sharing the book ‘The Jolly Postman’ during our Literacy sessions over the past couple of weeks.

The book ties in beautifully with our journeys topic and has allowed us to explore familiar and unfamiliar rhymes and stories, perform rhymes and poems, take part in some…

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Image of Programming fun!
22 January 2024

Programming fun!

In our computing sessions we have been learning all about programmable toys. We focussed on sequences and considered the importance of the order of instructions within a sequence.

We investigated creating sequences using the same instructions in different orders and tested these sequences to…

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Image of Materials fun in Cross Fell
22 January 2024

Materials fun in Cross Fell

Cross Fell are really enjoying their new topic- materials. We have been adding to our working wall each lesson building our knowledge and understanding of the topic. It has been wonderful to see everyone getting to grips with our key vocabulary that we are adding each session and accessing the…

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Image of The Jolly Postman Story boxes
19 January 2024

The Jolly Postman Story boxes

It was so wonderful to see everyone working as a team in Literacy today making some story boxes to represent the different stops that the Jolly Postman makes on his rounds. We were really impressed with how engrossed everyone was with the task and the final boxes are amazing!

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Image of Middle Fell fantastic skeletons
19 January 2024

Middle Fell fantastic skeletons

Middle Fell have been busy making some fantastic skeleton puppets to explore the bones in the body.

Everyone was in the zone for this one!  Well done Middle Fell ☺️

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Image of Flinty's Space Exploration!
19 January 2024

Flinty's Space Exploration!

This afternoon, Flinty Fell took part in The Spaceship Earth Primary Show in association with the Stem Hub.

It was great fun! Flinty got to join Mission Control on our exciting Earth observation to view our beautiful planet from space. They also got to virtually visit the orbiting satellites…

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Image of Sharing a love of reading- reading buddies in Cross Fell
19 January 2024

Sharing a love of reading- reading buddies in Cross Fell

In school reading has a high priority and we involve pupils from different classes by giving them responsibilities to contribute to the life of the school by becoming a reading buddy.

Our buddies are proud to be part of the scheme and help to share their skills and expertise as readers with…

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Image of Snowy Fun!
16 January 2024

Snowy Fun!

The children had a great time at lunchtime making snowmen and snow pets of all sizes- thankyou to Mrs Humphrey for sharing the picture.

It was lovely to see everyone having so much fun and the weather provided us with a great opportunity to keep revisiting our seasonal changes topic in Science…

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Image of Geography fun in Cross Fell
16 January 2024

Geography fun in Cross Fell

This afternoon we have continued our work in Geography by looking at the continents. We looked at where they are in the world, the sizes and some key features about them.

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Image of Map skills in action
8 January 2024

Map skills in action

We have started our new topic this afternoon - a wonderful world. We were looking at the continents and oceans using great map skills!


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Image of A very special visitor!
15 December 2023

A very special visitor!

We were extremely excited to find that Santa and his chief Elf had dropped in to see us in Alston Primary School today! We really enjoyed spending time talking to Santa and were delighted to find that he had given us all a very special book of our own to take home and enjoy on the run up to…

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