At Alston Primary School our children are listened to and we teach them the importance of listening to and respecting the views of others.

Our children know that their voice is important; there are many occasions when they are asked to express their opinions, sharing views and opinions.

In Cross Fell our children develop a good understanding of the democratic process and how they can influence decision making and this was again put into practice this week when we elected our class representatives for the school council. We are used to voting as every day in Cross Fell we vote for which story we would like to listen to at story time so we are familiar with the process of voting so it was easy for us to decide who we would like to represent us on the school council.

A huge well done to everyone who put themselves forward for this role and congratulations to our new councillors who will be meeting regularly with Mr Percival to share their ideas about how to make our school even better and help those in need both in the community and wider world. 

Check out our school council board in the main corridor for updates!