Miss Philipson was delighted to welcome so many parents to a meeting about phonics and early reading this week. A strong home school partnership is vital in helping to establish and grow a love of reading and so it was fantastic to introduce so many parents to how we teach phonics here at APS using the Read Write Inc phonics scheme and share tips on how to help to support reading at home. 

As always we are here to help and support and so please do feel free to contact any of the team if you would like any further support or information. Teamwork really does make such a difference and we really appreciate all of the support that our parents give.

Miss Philipson has attached a link with information about RWI phonics below.


She has also attached the PowerPoint she used last night on the class page of the website for any parents/ carers who wanted a recap or were unable to attend :)

Huge thanks to Miss Philipson for running such a helpful and informative session- Mrs Brown