Image of Changing shape
9 March 2023

Changing shape

Today in science we have been thinking about materials. We investigated whether we could change the shape of a range of materials by pushing, pulling, stretching and bending. Careful testing everyone- well done!

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Image of Cross Fell's U Dance Experience
8 March 2023

Cross Fell's U Dance Experience

Cross Fell had a wonderful time at the U Dance Festival in Carlisle dancing alongside a host of other schools. What a fantastic experience for all the children to dance on a professional stage in front of a very appreciative audience.

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Image of World Book Day 2023
3 March 2023

World Book Day 2023

World Book Day celebrations, thankyou to Claire from Cogito Books for visiting us today to share a story and let us pick a free World Book Day book. We love reading in Cross fell and our celebrations today really underlined how important reading is and how much joy it can bring- check our class…

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Image of RE- friendship web
28 February 2023

RE- friendship web

What do I value about my friends? Today we made a web of friendship where a ball of wool was passed around the circle, with each child holding their part.  Each person took part saying  ‘I find it easy to be friends with you because...’. At the end of the circle time, a visual web…

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Image of Pancake fun!
21 February 2023

Pancake fun!

In our next RE topic we are going to be learning all about Easter and talking about why Jesus was welcomed like a King on Palm Sunday. 

To kick start our new topic we have really enjoying learning all about Shrove Tuesday and enjoying some pancakes to celebrate. We can't wait ot get started on…

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Image of Waterproof materials testing
8 February 2023

Waterproof materials testing

Today we have been testing a selection of materials using a pipette to simulate raindrops and consider why some materials let water through and others do not, we linked our learning to our superhero topic to see if we could find the best materials to fix our superhero's suit. It was fantastic to…

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Image of RWI support for families
6 February 2023

RWI support for families

Early reading and phonics has a high priority in APS and Miss Hill has kindly uploaded a helpful clip to our class Dojo page to offer some extra support with phonics at home, please visit our class Dojo page to have a look. If anyone would like any further support on how best to support at home…

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Image of Chinese New Year celebrations
31 January 2023

Chinese New Year celebrations

We have been very busy preparing for Chinese New Year tomorrow

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Image of Superheroes from the past
30 January 2023

Superheroes from the past

This term we are learning about real life superheroes. Today we found out about Florence Nightingale and the amazing work she did in hospitals and colleges over the years.

We know that she helped injured soldiers, cleaned up hospitals, trained new nurses, and dedicated her life to helping…

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Image of Middle Fell's Winter Watch
26 January 2023

Middle Fell's Winter Watch

Middle Fell today had a day filled with poetry writing/editing in Literacy, exploring the UK in Geography and even participated in the BBC’s Live Winterwatch from the comfort of their own classroom!

They learned lots about how habitats, food chains and biomes all interact with one another as…

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Image of Computing- staying safe online handy tips
12 December 2022

Computing- staying safe online handy tips

In Computing we have been learning about digital painting and have been learning to use a range of tools to help us to create self-portraits and artwork inspired by famous artists.


As Christmas is approaching and many of us have tablets on our Christmas lists we also took part in some…

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Image of Kandinsky
2 December 2022


Some excellent work in computing today using a painting package to create our own artwork in the style of Kandinsky. Great work everyone

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