Stem Hub Space Session
Science - Moon and Mars Live Interactive Space Lesson
Can you help?
Cross Fell are keen to get growing again this year and are looking to further develop our gardening area- can anyone help us with our task?
Do you have any old pots or tools that you can donate?
Do you have any seeds or seedlings that you would like to share? If the answer is yes then…
Super seeds
In our Science today we looked in the school grounds to see which plants were growing and where.
We also examined a range of fruits and vegetables to see what we could see and were amazed to see the seeds contained inside- we have set ourselves a challenge to try to grow some ourselves!
The Robot and the Bluebird
We really enjoyed making bird feeders today inspired by the bluebird from our Robot and the Bluebird class story.
After reading the story the children really enjoyed learning all about a range of birds and thinking about how we could help them.
Great work everyone- it is so lovely when a…
Year 1 Phonics Screening check
Phonics screening check - information for parents
The phonics screening check has 40 words. 40 real word and 40 nonsense words it will happen during the week of the 10th June 2024
These are words that are phonically decodable but are not actual words with an associated meaning e.g. brip,…
Which house is the strongest?
Today in Science we have been making houses for The Three Little Pigs from sticks, straw and Lego to see which is the strongest material so that the Big Bad Wolf cannot blow them down!
Internet Safety Day 2024
As part of safer internet day, KS1 and Reception looked at different scenarios and offered solutions.
Should we watch things on YouTube before asking a grown up? No, but a few children were honest and admitted to not always asking. So we talked about what could go wrong if they watched something…
Spring Term recommended read
Our recommended book this half term is The day the crayons quit –
The day the crayons quit a fun and unique story of a box of crayons who write letters to Duncan as they are fed up with how they are being treated. It comes highly recommended as it is a firm favourite with our children who love…
Materials and their uses
We continued our work on materials in our Science sessions this week.
Unfortunately Cross Fell were not impressed by Mrs Brown's new inventions and were very quick to point out why they thought that a glass hammer, chocolate tea pot and cardboard shoes were not going to make her rich and famous…
Cross Fell's DT project
We have been making vehicles in our DT sessions this half term, we are extremely proud of how hard everyone has worked on this project- from our research looking at a range of vehicles to our designing and testing phase before the final big make, making sure that we had wheels and axles that we…
Mr Dawson shares his love of reading!
It was fantastic to welcome Mr Dawson into Cross Fell this morning to read us one of his favourite books. We were really enthralled as we listened to the story of Emily Brown and the Thing and really appreciated Mr Dawson coming to share our story time with us- again sharing and promoting that…