Image of A very special visitor!
15 December 2023

A very special visitor!

We were extremely excited to find that Santa and his chief Elf had dropped in to see us in Alston Primary School today! We really enjoyed spending time talking to Santa and were delighted to find that he had given us all a very special book of our own to take home and enjoy on the run up to…

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Image of Sharing our love of books- a very special delivery!
15 December 2023

Sharing our love of books- a very special delivery!

Even Santa shares our passion for reading! We had a very special visitor to Alston Primary School today- Santa and his chief Elf!

We were delighted to all receive a lovely book from Santa to take home to share with our families- it was a very exciting visit!

Thankyou to everyone who arranged this very special treat for us, we are lucky to have such a supportive school community. Here are Cross Fell and their exciting presents, it wasn’t long after this that they were all enjoying sharing the lovely books that they had received.

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Image of House craft day fun
14 December 2023

House craft day fun

We are very proud of our house groups in Alston Primary School and enjoyed a thoroughly entertaining day rotating around all of the classrooms with our house groups taking part in a range of different Christmassy craft activities. It was wonderful to see everyone from Reception right up to Year 6…

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Image of The Miracle- our Christmas performance 2023
6 December 2023

The Miracle- our Christmas performance 2023

We were delighted to be able to perform on stage alongside the rest of the school for our Christmas show- 'The Miracle.'

A lot of hard work went into learning our songs and dance moves so that we could really show off all of our talents to the extremely appreciative audiences. Performing on the…

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Image of Making phonics fun- Fred turns festive!
4 December 2023

Making phonics fun- Fred turns festive!

We are working really hard to learn all of our sounds in Cross Fell and Fred is never far away to help us with those trickier words with his 'special friends, Fred talk, read the word' strategy, but we were really surprised when he turned up in a Christmas tree outfit with his friend Sparkles to…

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Image of Something strange is going on in Cross Fell!
1 December 2023

Something strange is going on in Cross Fell!

Cross Fell were really surprised when they came into school this morning and discovered that we had been visited by some Reindeers during the night! We found that they had nibbled our carrots and left us a very cheeky elf called Sparkles who is here with us until Christmas as he has heard how…

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Image of Cross Fell's Book Advent calendar
1 December 2023

Cross Fell's Book Advent calendar

Cross Fell are extremely excited to start opening their book advent calendar every day in school as we count down to the hoildays.

We really enjoy promoting a life long love of books and reading in Cross Fell and our book Advent calendar always add that little extra magic to our reading…

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Image of Growing our love of reading!
1 December 2023

Growing our love of reading!

Cross Fell can't wait to get started on their book Advent calendar!

We love to share our love of reading and the excitement we have each day when we unwrap a new book to share makes our daily reading session even more magical :-)

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Image of Middle Fell classifying
15 November 2023

Middle Fell classifying

Middle Fell have had a marvellous time hunting for and classifying invertebrates in our local area today 

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Image of Fantastic Fred!
10 November 2023

Fantastic Fred!

We were really surprised to see Fred’s new clothes when he challenged us with some new sounds each afternoon this week!

We are trying really hard to learn our sounds and are noticing an improvement so please do keep up the good work at home and Fred will keep challenging us in school.

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Image of World Science day 2023
10 November 2023

World Science day 2023

It is world Science day today and so to mark the occasion each of the classes really enjoyed taking part in some experiments to get us excited about our Science learning in school.

Cross Fell were really excited by their experiment as you can see!

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Image of Children in Need
10 November 2023

Children in Need

The school council have met together and decided to support Children In Need as one of our charities this year.

The council have decided to hold a Children in Need colouring competition if anyone would like to join in, it is 50p entry please stick your money to your sheet and put your name on…

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