Books to inspire young scientists- highly recommended books
Why encourage your child to read about science? There are loads of reasons. Science and engineering provide fantastic career opportunities, but science is not just for scientists – it’s a huge part of everyday life. A good grounding in science will help every child to navigate their world and make…
Reading fun with Fred and Fredwina.
It is brilliant to hear that Fred and Fredwina have been such a hit! Fred has even been on a trip on the school bus with Daisy :-)
We have noticed a real boost in the children's reading and that is thanks to all of the extra support going on at home with your regular reading practice so thankyou…
Artists at work
Cross Fell are extremely fortunate to beable to work with Mrs Wheatley every week during their art sessions. Mrs Wheatley is an art specialist teacher and is amazing at sharing her passion for art inspiring our own learning as artists. This week we have been creating watercolour paintings.
National poetry day
Cross Fell celebrated National Poetry Day on Thursday by learning a poem all about The Great Fire of London. This Year's theme was counting and we have been looking at the date of the fire and how many days it raged through the streets of London. National poetry day fitted beautifully with all of…
In Middle Fell's Science session yesterday they were replicating the process of how fossils are made! Everyone was incredibly sensible and seemed to enjoy getting hands on!
Cross Fell Bakers
Cross Fell really enjoyed getting their Great Fire of London topic off to a flying start by becoming bakers for the day. We talked about the events of the fire and how the fire started and our baking experiences really helped us to get our learning off to a memorable start. We can't wait to find…
Fredwina's day out!
Cross Fell have really embraced their new reading buddies- Feed and Fredwina and are really enjoying taking them home to share their love of reading. Fred and Fredwina have got everyone really excited to show off their love of reading and their growing skills. We can't wait to see where they hop…
Coming soon- Fred and Fredwina :-)
In APS reading has a high priority and we are always looking for ways to engage and enthuse the children with their reading journeys.
In school we use the Read, Write Inc phonics scheme to help our children to grow into confident and fluent readers and to further grow our enthusiasm for reading…
Artists at work
We are extremely fortunate to have Mrs Wheatley working with us in our art lessons, Mrs Wheatley is an art specialist and she will be working with us every Friday to develop our skills as an artist. We are so lucky to be working with skilled specialists and can't wait to see how our skills…
KS1 Recommended read
Everyone in Cross Fell knows that Mrs Brown loves to read and so her recommended read for this half term is Tattybogle by Sandra Horn. Mrs Brown was lucky enough to meet the author of this book and get a signed copy and the enthusiasm that the author had rubbed off and made it one of Mrs Brown's…
The circulatory system! Getting hands on with our learning.
Flinty Fell have been continuing their work on the circulatory system, they had a go at dissecting lamb hearts to help build their understanding of the complexities of a heart.
How fantastic it is that Flinty have the opportunity to learn from subject specialists such as Mr Hagerup,…
Rock detectives
Some photos from Middle Fell's Science session as 'Rock Detectives'! Here they are investigating the hardness and permeability of different rock samples to determine if they are igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks.