Children in Need
We had a great day for Children in Need. We discussed what Children in Need is, created crafts, followed Joe Wicks live, took part in RunPudsey, created our own Pudsey biscuits and much more!
Remembrance Day
Park Fell enjoyed Remembrance Day, having a special assembly to share ideas and have a moment of silence. We also created poppies using different materials.
Visit to Gilderdale
We have been on a visit to Gilderdale to join in with forest school. We had so much fun exploring the area, looking for insects, climbing ropes and fallen down trees and using the hammock. As well as this we used the paint and mud kitchen. We discussed fire safety and then toasted marshmallows and…
We have been learning about Diwali.
We then used saltdough to create our own Diwali lamp. Once dry we used bright colours to decorate them.
Walk around Alston
We went on a walk around Alston as part of our 'I wonder who I am' topic. We discussed road safety and then used this to explore the local area, see which buildings are around us and what their purpose is.
Harvest Festival
We went to the church to celebrate harvest festival. We listened to poetry and readings as well as singing our songs we have been practicing in school.
Baking bread
We have been using skills such as mixing, measuring, following instructions, pouring, kneading and shaping while baking bread. Once we got the dough ready, we shaped it to make our own bread hedgehogs.
Wheelchair basketball
Park Fell took part in Wheelchair basketball. We travelled to Nenthead on the minibus and then enjoyed moving the wheelchairs around and throwing the basketball through the hoops.
We have been exploring patterns in maths using fingerprint painting.
Walk around school
We went on a walk around school. We looked at the shapes and features we could see around us.
Exploring the outdoor area
We have been exploring the outdoor area.