Image of Marvellous Music
18 July 2023

Marvellous Music

Cross Fell have really enjoyed working with Mrs Harding this year in their music sessions to learn to play not only the recorder but also a range of percussion instruments.

We have enjoyed expanding our music vocabulary and using our voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and…

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Image of Cross Fell's sewing project
7 July 2023

Cross Fell's sewing project

We have really enjoyed our recent DT project, from researching different puppets to looking at ways of joining fabric to then cutting and sewing our own puppets. It was lovely to see the care and attention to detail that went into our designs and the quality of the finishing was particularly…

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Image of Air Ambulance Visit
5 July 2023

Air Ambulance Visit

We really enjoyed our visit from Mieke and Miles the Bear from the Great North Air Ambulance today.

Mieke talked to us about what the air ambulance does and how we can help to support this amazing charity.

It is lovely for our school to  be building connections within the community to 

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Image of KS1 Reading for pleasure challenge
3 July 2023

KS1 Reading for pleasure challenge

We were really excited to take part in the Library Services for Schools KS1 reading for pleasure challenge “Reading is Super Cool”.

The library service told us that the aim of their challenge was to-

• Motivate us to read regularly and encourage reading for pleasure

• Give us the…

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Image of Cross Fell's Reading Challenge success
3 July 2023

Cross Fell's Reading Challenge success

We were really excited to take part in the Library Services for Schools KS1 reading for pleasure challenge “Reading is Super Cool”.

The library service told us that the aim of their challenge was to-

• Motivate us to read regularly and encourage reading for pleasure

• Give us the…

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Image of Cross Fell's Junior Olympics trip
28 June 2023

Cross Fell's Junior Olympics trip

Cross Fell really enjoyed travelling to Culgaith to compete in a junior olympics festival. We competed against teams from a number of local schools and were delighted to be awarded with 11 medals! A great day was had by all and the competition was conducted in such good spirit with everyone's…

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Image of Middle Fell's Teeth investigation
26 June 2023

Middle Fell's Teeth investigation

Middle Fell have been making models of our teeth and writing narration scripts about the digestive system in Science, they also had Professor Kevin Walsh visit to talk about Astronomy and future jobs in STEM. Inspiring the next generation!

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Image of Light
23 June 2023


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Image of Astronomer visit
23 June 2023

Astronomer visit

Flinty Fell  had a visit from Professor K Walsh today who is an Astronomer-in-Residence at Westminster School in London.
He came to talk to us about the Universe and the planets, he answered all the questions the pupils had for him and really helped to deepen everyone's understanding. Thankyou…

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Image of Cross Fell's Castle Trip
22 June 2023

Cross Fell's Castle Trip

Cross Fell enjoyed a fantastic trip out to Carlisle castle on Thursday to enhance their history learning. We were really excited to have a tour of the castle with our guide Matthew and enjoy some dressing up fun. Our trip really inspired us, bringing what we had learnt in the classroom to life and…

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Image of Fencing fun!
21 June 2023

Fencing fun!

Cross Fell love to get out and about and we have again been lucky enough to be involved in an Action Ants festival where we got to learn a range of new skills learning alongside children from other schools. The fencing in particular was a huge hit and something we haven’t had the chance to try…

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Image of Rapunzel conscience alley- what will she do next?
15 June 2023

Rapunzel conscience alley- what will she do next?

We have been reading the book 'Rapunzel' by Bethan Woolvin and as part of this we were set the challenge of either persuading Rapunzel to escape the tower or on the other hand for her to stay in the tower.

We used the technique of conscience alley- conscience alley is a useful technique for…

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