Image of Practical maths
16 June 2022

Practical maths

We love to get hands on with our maths learning and this week we have done some fantastic work on capacity, next week we move onto looking at temperature and building on our work this week transferring the skill of being able to read scales in divisions of 1,2,5 and 10.

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Image of Plant observation
28 April 2022

Plant observation

In science we are learning about plants, last week we looked closely at the different parts of plants and today we did some planting in our outdoor area.

We talked to the children about what they would like to grow and have today planted potatoes, peas, pansies and nasturtiums.

We have our…

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Image of World Book Day books- please help yourself!
17 March 2022

World Book Day books- please help yourself!

Just a reminder that we have some World Book Day books for anyone struggling to swap their tokens, I didn’t want anyone to miss out if they couldn't make it to the shops so have swapped some to make it easier. If you would like one please bring in your token and choose a book then I will keep…

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Image of Staying safe- the Green Cross Code with Pajama Drama
22 February 2022

Staying safe- the Green Cross Code with Pajama Drama

Cross Fell have had a road safety session with Sarah from Pyjama Drama today. We listened to some true and some made up stories about staying safe while near the road. We learnt that we should ALWAYS wear our helmet when riding any wheels such as bikes, scooters, hoverboards and heelys.
We also…

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Image of Mental Health Week
7 February 2022

Mental Health Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week (7-13 February 2022). This year's theme is Growing Together.

We’re encouraging children (and adults) to consider how they have grown and how they can help others to grow.

This morning we have read All Are Welcome and thought about how we can be…

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Image of RSPB's Big Birdwatch
28 January 2022

RSPB's Big Birdwatch

We really enjoyed getting out into the school grounds to take part in the RSPB's big garden birdwatch.

It was lovely to see how excited everyone got when we spotted some of the birds from our spotter sheet- well done Cross Fell!

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Image of An exciting visit!
10 November 2021

An exciting visit!

We had a great day meeting Alasdair, Simone & Rory from Cumbria Fire and Rescue service and PC Chris yesterday in school. We saw lots of equipment and asked questions about their roles and how to stay safe in the community.

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Image of Susan's Farm
2 November 2021

Susan's Farm

Cross Fell were really fortunate to beable to bring their learning about habitats to life by enjoying a visit to Susan's Farm. It is fantastic to beable to get really hands on with our learning and take our learning outside of the classroom.

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Image of Cross Fell's visit to Susan's Farm
2 November 2021

Cross Fell's visit to Susan's Farm

We had a wonderful day yesterday at Susan’s Farm

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Image of Flinty's Botanic Gardens trip
18 October 2021

Flinty's Botanic Gardens trip

Flinty Fell had a great visit to Durham to tour the Botanic Gardens there- a great trip to bring their science and topic learning to life.


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Image of Tour of Britain
10 September 2021

Tour of Britain

We were extremely fortunate to be able to go and watch the Tour of Britain passing through Alston today, it was a real treat to be able to witness first hand a professional race of this scale and we really enjoyed making flags to cheer the riders on. We especially loved it when all of the support…

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Image of Butterflies!
7 June 2021


Exciting news. Over the holidays Park Fell's butterflies emerged from their cocoons. They are beautiful. We will release them tomorrow.

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