Image of Eid-al- Fitr
21 April 2023

Eid-al- Fitr

Today we learned about the celebration of Eid- al- Fitr. We talked about how the celebration is marked, what different families do and made our own pictures to celebrate.

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Image of Reading stars
6 April 2023

Reading stars

We have so far awarded 83 reading at home dojos this week- a staggering amount! Well done Cross Fell we are extremely proud of you, keep it up :-)


A huge thankyou for all of your hard work at home promoting that love of reading- the partnership between home and school is really important…

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Image of Easter celebrations
31 March 2023

Easter celebrations

Easter celebrations in Cross Fell!

We have enjoyed an egg hunt, pin the tail on the bunny and taken part in a church celebration.

What a busy day we have had bringing together all that we have learned about Easter in our RE topic- visiting the church and listening to Rev Mark Nash Williams…

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Image of Professor Pumpernickel brings Science to life!
24 March 2023

Professor Pumpernickel brings Science to life!

What an amazing show the children from the Federation enjoyed this morning with Professor Pumpernickel. It had the children enthralled from start to finish and really boosted and inspired their learning in Science.  We are so lucky to have such fantastic experiences for the children to enjoy, huge…

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Image of Professor Pumpernickel brings Science to life!
24 March 2023

Professor Pumpernickel brings Science to life!

What an amazing show the children from the Federation enjoyed this morning with Professor Pumpernickel. It had the children enthralled from start to finish and really boosted and inspired their learning in Science.  We are so lucky to have such fantastic experiences for the children to enjoy, huge…

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Image of Cross Fell's virtual author visit
10 March 2023

Cross Fell's virtual author visit

We really enjoyed our virtual author visit with Rachel Morrisroe this morning and were extremely lucky to be chosen by the author to have a shout out for Cross Fell and for her to answer one of the questions that we submitted- a huge honour to be chosen from the many, many schools taking part.

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Image of Identifying seeds
10 March 2023

Identifying seeds

Some super work in science looking at a range of different seeds today, we talked about what was the same and what was different and then worked on observing closely to identify the different seeds using the seed packets to help us. We ended our session by following the instructions to carefully…

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Image of Changing shape
9 March 2023

Changing shape

Today in science we have been thinking about materials. We investigated whether we could change the shape of a range of materials by pushing, pulling, stretching and bending. Careful testing everyone- well done!

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Image of Cross Fell's U Dance Experience
8 March 2023

Cross Fell's U Dance Experience

Cross Fell had a wonderful time at the U Dance Festival in Carlisle dancing alongside a host of other schools. What a fantastic experience for all the children to dance on a professional stage in front of a very appreciative audience.

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Image of World Book Day 2023
3 March 2023

World Book Day 2023

World Book Day celebrations, thankyou to Claire from Cogito Books for visiting us today to share a story and let us pick a free World Book Day book. We love reading in Cross fell and our celebrations today really underlined how important reading is and how much joy it can bring- check our class…

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Image of RE- friendship web
28 February 2023

RE- friendship web

What do I value about my friends? Today we made a web of friendship where a ball of wool was passed around the circle, with each child holding their part.  Each person took part saying  ‘I find it easy to be friends with you because...’. At the end of the circle time, a visual web…

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