PSHE - Healthy eating
In PSHE we have been learning about healthy eating. We used the shopping game to work out what we could get to encourage healthy eating. We then spoke about what a balanced diet is and used the healthy eating plate to create a healthy meal.
British Science Week 2024
As part of British Science week Cross Fell have been busy conducting some planting experiments linking in with this year's theme- time.
We have all taken home some pots and seeds so that we can involve our families in our Science learning and hopefully spread some cheer in the community once…
RWI phonics support for our families to use at home
Phonics has a high priority in school and we use RWI to help us to get off to a flying start in learning to read confidently and fluently.
We have sessions every day and also have access to clips that we can share with our families at home to support our learning. Keep looking out on Dojo for a…
TT Rock stars
Cross Fell are very excited to have access to Times Tables Rock Stars. We have really enjoyed using Numbots and now as we progress further on our maths journeys we also have TT Rock Stars to challenge us in our maths learning. We have been learning all about the 2, 5 and 10 times tables in our…
Zeraffa Giraffa- our new class book from a different culture.
Cross Fell have really enjoyed sharing Zeraffa Giraffa a picture book inspired by the true story of a giraffe sent as a gift to the King of France by the Great Pasha of Egypt in the 1820s. The exquisitely composed pictures show the different stages of the journey made by Zeraffa,…
Literacy - Zeraffa Giraffa
We have started our new literacy book, 'Zeraffa Giraffa'. We were learning about a giraffe's habitat to think about where the journey started and showing this using watercolours.
Everyone loves new books!
Today we had a trip to the book bus. We had a story read for us and we chose some new books for class, as you might be able to tell from our faces the cliff hanger had us hooked! Isn't it amazing when you can have access to such high quality books that they really hook us readers in!
What do plants need to grow well?
We really enjoyed our Science today getting hands on starting to learn about what plants need to grow well. We carefully prepared our pots before planting our seeds and will monitor how they grow over the next few weeks- share our Science learning by checking back soon for an updated picture so…
World Book Day Library Visit
As part of our World Book Day celebrations Cross Fell took a trip to our local library. It was lovely to meet the librarians and spend time looking at a range of different fiction and non- fiction books.
Lynne the librarian read us a story and told us all about how we could become members of the library and get our own library cards.
What a treat to spread our love of reading out into the community!
Celebrating our love of reading!
Cross Fell really got into the spirit of World Book Day by amongst other things, taking part in some reading in extreme places and also enjoying a trip to our local community library.
Our love of reading at APS is evident!
History - Significant Explorers
We have been looking at significant explorers. We were finding out about Matthew Henson and his exploration. We talked about the equipment he used, the difficulties he faced with his journey and recognition, and how we are able to find out information about him. We then created arctic pictures to…